وب N.0 و محدوديت كتمان واقعيت در آينده
وقتي جت مسافري بوئينگ737 در فرودگاه Denver هنگام برخاستن دچارسانحه شد و همه 155 مسافر و خدمه به فرار ازشعله هاي آتش و هواپيماي سانحه ديده فكر مي كردند، يك مهندس نرم افزار به نامMike Wilson در بين آنها در همان لحظات به توييت كردن حادثه مشغول بود!!.لينك خبر
14 December, 4.06pm Whew! Christmas shopping pretty much done. 100% online except for a couple of gift certs.
20 December, 5.25pm Holy fucking shit, I was just in a plane crash!
5.58pm This was crash No 2 for me. Maybe I should start taking the bus.
8.22pm You
have your wits scared out of you, drag your butt out of a flaming ball
of wreckage and you can't even get a vodka-tonic. Boo.
11.22pm [From computer at home] Sorry for the radio silence, but my battery died in the middle of all this and I just made it home.
11.57pm Pretty exhausted at this point, so I'm heading off to bed. Good night!
21 December, 8.29am Waiting in the continental club for the "replacement" flight. Noticing I'm a little sore.
5.25pm I'm sitting as close to the exit as possible this time.
7.57pm Touchdown! Crowd goes wild!
پ.ن:جاي تعجب خواهد داشت كه درسالهاي آينده كسي بتواند اصل ماجرايي را كتمان كند يا به اصطلاح دبه كند!،چون ديگرضبط صدا،تصوير و گزارش لحظه به لحظه جاي هيچگونه پرت و پلا بافتني را باقي نمي گذارد!...
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